Storm Damage Causes Detour
Wow, that was some storm that blew through the Rush River Valley and surrounding areas last night. We’ve sustained some minor damage here on our grounds, but clean-up is underway and we’ll have things looking beautiful again for our guests when we open for the weekend tomorrow night.
However, we did experience one major loss due to flash flooding. The bridge on 400th Street, Vino in the Valley’s access from Highway 10, has been washed out, and it’s unknown how long it will be before the bridge can be replaced.
Needless to say, 400th Street is closed and this closure will affect our visitors coming on Highway 10 from destinations west. But never fear; there’s more than one way to get to Vino in the Valley…
Feel free to download our handy map by following the link below. We’ve outlined a few of our favorite alternate routes (including a few short-cuts only the locals know!). You’ll find that none of them take you very far out of your way; and you may even find a shorter and more beautiful road that will become your preferred trek!
Please keep in mind that these routes are on narrow, local roads with several houses and farms along the way; many of which are homes to small children. As you get off the main highways, please reduce your speed and be aware of children playing, folks walking or riding bikes, farm equipment, etc. We want to be sure everyone stays safe.
Download map here.
We will be receiving an update in the coming days as to the status of the bridge replacement and road closure. We’ll be sure to keep you posted each step of the way! Please be sure to “like” our page on Facebook so that you will see updates come across your news feed. If you’re not on Facebook, then the next best way is to be sure your email address is included in our email database (sign up here).
It’s times like this that we’re especially grateful for you. Most businesses would be more than a little bit concerned when the main road to their business is closed unexpectedly. I’ll admit; we were in shock (and a little panicked) when we first heard the news. But as they say, it could be worse. We’re grateful and know our customers won’t let this stand in the way of their Vino visit!
We look forward to seeing you all real soon!
Larry and the Vino in the Valley Team